Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


6 and 9

A day on the baby farm..where to begin. As most of you know I watch all three monkeys on Wednesdays, Mom does Thursday and Heather does Fridays. It can be a little much but its the best thing ever. The babies get to be with family and their cousin MR. K. Plus everyone comes to my house which makes it SO much easier! Mommas out there of twins can relate! Its hard getting everything together in the A.M and rushing home to feed in the afternoon. I am one lucky gal. Well EVERYONE is so much more mobile now, exp. MR. K. There is no more just laying the babies under the play mat. It is DO NOT TAKE YOUR EYES off them for more than 1 minute! So this past wednesday I decided to document our day. We try and stick to a routine, but sometimes we get off and thats just how it is, let me give you a little glimpse of how our day goes...
630AM --Babies wake up
Change babies
Feed Babies
7AM--pump and try and get my hoots back in my shirt by 715-720 with Kevin arrives with MR. K
Play with babies on floor
8AM--all three babies in highchairs, give them all toys and I go make breakfast for them
810--Feed Z, then go lay her down for nap
820--Feed L, then go lay her down(usually does not want to go down but this time she did!)
830--Feed K, and go lay him down
By 9am all babies were asleep and slept til about 930 (well k woke up) girls slept til 11am
during this time I washed bottle, picked up toys, threw away diapers, pumped, got new clothes out for babies, entertained MR. K
10am --pump
11AM--Bottles L and Z
1130 --Play time
12---Lunch for K
130--bottle for k
2:00- bottle for L and z
230 NAP TIME! clean bottles, put laundry away, clean up diapers, pick up toys, get clothes and diapers out...etc..
4:00 pump
430--change babies and get them ready for dinner
445--bottle, veggies and cereal
515--k leaves
530 ---rushed out the door when mom came in so i could go to work!!!

Exauhsting? YES! Worth it? Would not change a thing!!! Love to Love my Babies

1 comment:

Amanda & Ryan said...

Oh my mandy sue you are amazing! I dont know how I will be as organized as you. My biggest goal and one of the many things I admire about you as a mommy is that the babies are still on breast milk. I am so proud of you and I hope I can be as strong as you are when it comes to feedings! Love you and miss you so much cant wait till we can work out getting together, I will come to you, promise!!!