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Life with multiples---LOVING MY LIFE AND LOVING MY BABIES!!!!!!

I jsut had to add this video my friend Erica sent me, Thanks Erica, ba ha, this video sums ups my Post!!
Moms of Multiples are Freaks of Nature

We just do. I do not know any other way, therefor this is my life and this is what I think of how rasing a
baby(ies) is supposed to go!

I do not even remember what I used to do with my time, bc they are my life now, Babies, work, clean, thats what I do on a daily and I would not change a thing. They are my everything, and It gets easier everyday, did I SAY easy?. No, but I did say E-A-S-I-E-R.

You know what I hate? Well Hate is a harsh word, but I NEVER thought about how much I would get stoped with twins! Every now and then is ok, and i exp. dont mind the ones that just want to say aww how cute, and move on...or just are polite, but thats one in every 10, that ask me a normal question. Sometimes I cant get into the store and in a cart and to the first isle with out being stoped for about 10 minutes by 5 different people. Simple questions and polite questions go for it, but some people in this world, I just dont know about!
Here let me set up a conversation for you. And my response, is what I WANT to say, I do not say it, but gosh gee catch me on the wrong day and I just might!

Background Information: Me trying to get shopping done with two babies who hate: to sit in car seats, strollers, and carts,(well getting better about being in the cart) but always end up out)

Lady in the store: Twins?
Me: Clearly

Lady in the store: Im sorry or congrats, which do I say?
Me: ------- I will refrain from waht I want to say.

Lady in the store: Oh,, how cute, are they twins?
Me: No they are just dressed alike.

Little old annoying lady in the store: Oh, how cute are they twins?
Me: NO, I just got inpregnanted within one week of each other.

Little old annoying hag in the store: Oh how cute twins, let me guess boy and girl?
Me: Yes, I decided to dress them alike in all pink outfits with bows in their hair, exp. the boy!

Lilttle old annoying big hag lady in the store:  Oh twins, I know what that is like I have two boys who are two years apart, Its the same thing as raising twins!
ME: HA, Yea you change two dirty diapers at the same time, feed tWO swining monkeys that dont want their food at the same time, put two babies mouth up to your breast at the same time, hold two bottles at the same time, givie birth to two babies at the same time, then come talk to me!

Two little Old ladies: (Me with Tracy my brothers girl friend who is two years younger than me pushing the girls in stroller out of the mall)
Oh they are so cute are they twins? You must be their grandma,(talking to tracy) ba ha ha she is only 23! And I am 25!
Oh I dont think I need to tell you what we wanted to respond to that one!

Little lady in the store: Wow you have your hands full!
Me: I would not change a thing!( i do say this)

Little lady: Damn did you take fertility drugs?
Me: No it was just a random coiencedence!

Lady in the Store: What were you on to get pregnant with twins?
Me: Ill leave that blank too.

Lady: How do you tell them apart.
Me: THey dont look alike to me
Lady: But how, why dont they look alike to you.
Me. UM, their my kids and I see them everyday?
Lady: but how...
Me..can i get my shopping done now!

DOnt get me wrong I love showing off my kids!! BUt come on now these strangers and their questions!!!!!!!!!! I think only Moms of Multiples can relate to this post! Oh I love my twin stuff moms!


Jami Nato said...

twins!! so fun. this post is awesome and your kids are adorable!

Amanda & Ryan said...

This is cracking me up mandy! I know its annoying for you but youre too funny! I know I will get slammed with the same sort of rude comments, last night a stranger asked to take a picture of my belly and another yelled out "damn girl you big" as I waddled past them! Some people have no idea how they come across either way your girls are beautiful and clearly, girls, twins and the best thing that ever happened to you! Miss your face!