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Love and Promise

Dear Lillianah & Zoey,

I can listen to you laugh all day long,
I love to hold your tiny hands,
I love to watch your facial expressions as you learn something new,
I love to watch you wave bye bye over and over again even when no one is coming and going,
I love your silly faces that you make,
I love your serious concentration when I put on your Favorite Nursery Rhymes DVD,
I love to watch your take a few steps on your own, then fall to your bottom and realize crawling is a faster way of getting around,
I can listen to the babaling and try to figure out what you are trying to say or what you mean over and over again, I even make up funny little words that I think you mean when you are pointing, gruting, or speaking your language, like super cala fragalistic expialidoshus, even though those words are no where near your vocabulary yet,
I love when you are so sleepy that you just want to lay in my arms,
I love the way yall touch (or should I say grab) my face,
I don't love the way you like to pull my hair,
I love the way you experience new foods but smushing them in your hand or throwing them on the floor,
I love to stand in your room at night and watch you peacefully sleep,
I love that I still check on you like 10 million times a night to make sure you have not learned to crawl out of your crib yet,
I love to watch you interact with each other, as best friends do,
I love how big you both think you are, trying new things like, climbing the stairs by your self, trying to get out of your car seat, trying to climb on the couch, or out of my bed! (or should I love these thigns) maybe a little scare!
I love that you explore EVERYTHING!
I love how when we go out you both stare at people like a little old lady being nosey,
I love to read yall books,
I love to watch your little knees bounce up and down as you hear music,
I love to hear the words mama, even though you may not associate it with me yet,
I love to love you, oh babies slow down!


Now As for I PROMISE...

I promise to remember that babies are only toddlers for a little while, and to say "no" less and simply distract you more.
I promise whenever you are cranky and in a funk I will try to imagine what it's like in your little world at that moment. I will remember that you've only been here a few hundred days, and it's perfectly reasonable to be awfully, awfully upset that wonderful tasting pennies, crayons, or dirt are continually snatched away.
I promise at least once a day to get down on the floor and be a total idiot with you.
I promise to celebrate your voice and let you hoot like a monkey, shriek like a banshee and be a happy goofball like the rest of us. I'll make sure to happily distract you with quiet fun if we're not someplace that would appreciate the wounded coyote song, but I'll make sure to do it in such a fun way that you really won't mind.
I promise to talk to you a lot, to point out everything in our world and remember how new and exciting it all is. I promise we will read , but ones just for you too.

I promise to teach you how to be the kind of child and person who people will love to be around. I will have high standards for you, but never too high to attain.
I promise to teach you how to find your own happiness so you never need more men, money, or friends to find joy in life.

I promise to be honest with you. I won't sugar-coat the world but I will also always let you know that you have a lot of people who treasure you and they will always help keep you safe. I promise not to forget, when you're old enough, to teach you how to stay safe -- even though I don't want to admit you could ever need it.
I promise to always put a little magic in your life.

I promise that sometimes I'll love you so much it makes me cry, and that no matter how old you are I will still sneak looks at you while you're sleeping, playing and living life. I promise that there will always be people who love you so much it's amazing, and we will be there for you no matter what.

I promise that even if you don't want it, I'm going to hound you and your sister and make you value each other. You two are the greatest gift I've given you two outside of life and love.

I promise to never stop reading parenting magazines and books, talking to mothers, and listening to my heart so that I grow as a mother.

I promise to realize that you have to make your own mistakes sometimes and it's not my job to protect you so much that you never experience life. I'll do my best to give you room to fall off the jungle gym, date a guy with blue hair or take a year off college. If your daddy has to superglue my lips together, I swear I'll hush and be supportive!
-Magical Childhood

Loveee Mama!!!!

1 comment:

Amanda & Ryan said...

I am in love with your post. Your girls are so lucky to have such an incredible Mommy. Love you and the girls!