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I told and asked....

I smacked zoey's hand lightly today bc she was throwing her food on the floor. She smacked me back.

I told Lillianah to get off the couch or sit on her bottom, she laughed at me and shook her head no.

I told Keagan to pick up the cheerios he just dumped all over the floor and put them back in his cup. He went over to Zoey and dumped her cheerios on the floor instead.

I looked over and keagan was trying to drag zoey across the floor by her hair, I yelled at him then he hugged her.

I told Lillianah to give me a kiss, and she did.

I asked L,Z, and K, where their tummys are and they showed me.

I asked them what a doggie says and they said woof woof.

I asked Keagan where his eyes, nose, mouth and ears are and he showed me.

I told Lillianah to bring me the blocks and she did.

I told zoey to use her fork to eat her pizza and she tried to poke every little piece.

I told all three of them it was nap time, and they all went and found their binkys, blankets, and went  to the bottom of the stairs and waited for me to open the gate to go up.

I said it was snack time and they all three sat on the floor looking up at me, patiently waiting for me to put godlfish in their hands.

Lillianah was getting into everythign in the kitchen while i was trying to cook breakfast, so I put her on the other side with the gate up, she tried to climb over the gate and get back in the kitchen.

I walked into the palyroom and keagan and zoey were riding the horses side by side laughing and babaling.

They are a mess, I love them all, they are my life, and I would not change a thing. Love my three little monsters.

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