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Baby Einstein and Mumble

Mom brought Keagan over tonight while Heather went grocery shopping and Dinner with Beasewax. Keagan is getting SO good with his eye contact, but you have to put it directly infront of him or he gets easily distracted by the fan on the celling or something else in the room. So hard he has it, some one to feed him, rock him, bath him, hold him when he cries, life is just grand, dont you want to be a baby sometimes! JK! Well the past couple times Keagan has come over he likes his new little friend that dances and sings to the sound of your voice or music in the back ground! He is just too adorable and I love him! Want to meet him?!

After we played with mumble we sat down and watched Baby Einstein, this was the first time I tried to get him to see if he would be interested in the computer! Interested is not the right word, he absolutley loved it! He sat up with his passie just like a big boy and wathced baby einstein for about 15 minutes! I think he secretly loved it!

After this we took an adventure to try out Lillianah and Zoeysnew swing. We liked this for a bit with all the msical sounds and then we went to their room and played in their bouncy seat! He is just testing out all of their toys to make sure they are 'safe' for them :) Being the great big cousin he will be!

I think he likes Monkeys just as much as I do. I got a couple coos out of him on ths adventure.

Dear Mommmy,

Can I play at Aunt Mandy's house more,
she has toys that dance and
tap their feet and movies and swings,
and seats with monkeys on them.


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