Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


Peace, Showers, and love

This past weekend was a weekend full of excitement! It started off on friday afternoon when my Little nephew and my sister came over to the house. Everytime I see him he changes! I feel like he changes a lot and I see him twice a week. Even he starts to develop more and more of a personality and his little eye contact is amazing. I have Mumble from happy feet, everyone must know who this little character is, he is great and makes me laugh histerically still til this day and I am 24 years old. Any who my lil penguin friend talks and Taps his little feet to the sound of your voice. Well I put Keagan eye level with mummble and I think that keagn really like him, he was engaged in his voice and tap dancing skills. Then we tried for a photo sesh where I got the cutest pictures, peace dude!
Peace Dude I'm out Enough with my pictures!:)
Anywas we spent a nice afternoon of giggles and window shopping at Babies R us. Which I think is my new favorite store!
Then that night we went to the country club for lonnies moms birthday. We had a nice dinner and desert and listend to some Karaoke. I was anxiousl awaiting my packages from DC and Baltimore to get here. We got home about 10:00 and my pregnant self tried to keep my little tired eyes open! I made it til about 11 and then fell asleep, my phone buzzed around 11:45 and I jumped up faster than I have in a long time with this pregnant belly of mine, I think I was excited. But it was just a text to say that my packages took a wrong turn and they should arrive around 12:47. So I decided it was time to get up. I went downstairs as Lonnie snored loudly and ate something to wake me up! Then my 4 packages arrived. Nellie, Meggles, Sarah, and Sioby Cat.
Meet Meggles...

Meet Nellie...

Meet Sioby Cat...

Meet SEK...

We procedded to stay up and play catch up because I had not seen them since their last little adventure down to Richmond. We got all the beds ready and went to sleep anxioulsy awaiting tessa and staceys arrival in the morning!
We got up the next morning and Siobhan and Sarah went to pick up tessa from the airport while megs, nellbell and I went to the grocery store to get stuff to make breakfast! Well little did we know we sent the wrong two people to pick up Tessa.
Saturday Morning:
1. Siobs and SEK left to pick up Tess which is 20 mins away
2. we left about 20 mins after them.
3. went to foodlion got breafast stuff
4. came back chatted a little
5. Then started cooking b-fast
6. Tried to slow it down.
7. Calld the girls said they would be here soon
8. called again 15 mins later no answer- so we ate without them
9. Stacey Arrived!! :)
Meet Stacemaster FLEX..

(Side Note: Stacemaster is 23 weeks along with a little surprise, she is not finding out what she is having!!)
Come to find out sarah had to have star bucks and they got lost and did not call anyone to ask for directions! ha:) Oh i love my sarah. they went to the star bucks on midlothian when they could have gone to the one right down the street from my house! Well they got back and we were nice enough to save them some yougurt parfaits, eggs bacon, sasuage, and cinnimon rolls but not the middle one that was meggles!Finally they arrived with our sweet Tessa, whom I had not seen since January of oh9!

We all got ready and went to my Baby shower! My mom, sister Heather and Aunt Tammy threw for me! I was nervous, not sure why, but I think its because I didnt really like to be put on the spot and that day was all about me! Well we walk in fashionably 10 mins late and as soon as I walk in i see Amanda! who I mind you I have not seen in 3 years and 9 months, I hugged her and then we both started crying like we were babies! I couldnt help it, the emotions were flying! Why I love Amanda...and let me introduce her to you for those of you who do not know her...
Ok so I think picture number one explains it all but let me go into a little more detail.
1. She wears her sunglasses at night.
2. SHe is never a negaive nancy always a positive polly.
3. She always says whats on her mind and does not care what you think.
4. I am her little "african"
Then I proceeded to greet everyone else that came to my shower! I was so happy all those people came for me!:) Made me feel VERY special! We all socialized for a while and then ate some wonderful food, and then the fun part of opening gifts came! Lil miss riley boo sat right infront the whole time, was ADORABLE! I got so many adorable things--Little girls clothes could not be any more adorable, I think I'm obssesed and they are going to have more clothes than I DO. I loved loved all my gifts but one of my favorites was what Kristina made me(one of my good friends since 2nd grade)

I dont think these ribbon holders could be any more adorbale, isnt che crafty!!?!?
Anyways the shower turned out excellent, Once I get the pics that holly took I will post them! My sister had a clothes line of all these cute little clothes and two MONKEY outfits on them!  Overall it could not have gone any better, minus the sweating and swelling of my feet! :) ha! Glad everyone I care about got to make it to my special day! I have my Farmer side shower this weekend and I cant wait. Yes that is my third shower, ha!:) Hey I am having TWINS!:)

1 comment:

Tessa said...

Dear Mandy,
Have you no other picture of me than this one?! How terrible!
Tessa Cat