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Doctors and Classes!

It has been a crazy busy past few days so I have gotten a little behind in my blog! We went back to the high risk doctor this past Friday 2/12 for a check up on the fluid for little miss Zoey. Her fluid has gone down some but it is still a little on the high side, so we are still going to go back ever two weeks for check ups on her:) Lillianah's is in the average range so she is doing well. Atleast hers is not too low or too high as well. So they are thinking it might be just too much fluid on little miss zoey and hoping nothing else, or leading to nothing else!Pray for happy healthy babies, we are! I go see my regular OB tommorow for my check up and I will be 30 weeks! I cant believe it!! SO crazy! My next mile maker is 35 weeks. Once the girls hit 35 weeks that means no NICU time unless for other reasons. BUT not preemie reasons! So we can do it! I would love to make it full term to 37 but if not I will take 35!
Last night we went to our Expecting Multiples Class this was a very interesting class - there were 5 other couples in this class. One of which is a surrogate for twins!! AHH-- that is one brave women to be going through a pregnancy of mulitples to be giving to another women! I give her mad props! Two of the couples were in their first tri-mester, one of which is having faternal twins. The other of which is having faternal twins and IS not finding out the sex of the baby! I was impressed, thats alot of stuff to buy to not find out for TWO. The other lady is having boy girl faternal twins and was 33 weeks. She made me feel better about my belly! SHe was ALL belly as well but was bigger than me! :) I found a pregnant person with a bigger belly than I have YAY! :) But I am sure another 3 weeks and I will be right up there with her!
Anyhow we learned alot about different things...we were supposed to take this class early on in pregnancy so some of the information we already knew but we learned new stuff as well! Did you know that they tell women who are pregnant with multiples to drink 100 oz of water a day and consume about 3,500 calories! That is crazy.  I have been getting tickled with myslef when I drink the 64oz that I thought I was supposed to be drinking! Now I need to drink even more!! Theyalso said that a women who is craying twins is less likely to go into preterm labor if they gain 25lbs by the 24 week mark! I def. did not exceed this task but I have surpassed it at this point.
We were the only ones in the class having Identicals and she was talking to us about not getting them mixed up(well really to lonnie) SHe suggested we keep their hospital bands on for the first couple weeks when we take them home. I told her that lonnie said he was going to put an X in permanant marker on the bottom of one of the girls foot! I told her I was NOT allowing him to do this, I was going to paint one of the girls toe nails. She agreed that was a good idea!:)
Will keep you posted about our appts:)

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