Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


Farmer Shower!

Alright well last but not least was my FARMER baby shower! Jessie, Leslie and Debbie threw for me! It was just lovely, we had it at Debbies house. Their was lots of wonderful food and happy faces I got to see! Robin made a DELICIOUS cake, well actually two cakes, I had a piece of them both (shh..)Got to do it while I can because once these babies are out its going to be hard core healthy eating to get back to my original shape:)

The house was decorated so nice with close lines of baby clothes and lots of diaper cakes and tons of wonderful food! Jessie P. made us a diaper cake and I was very impressed with her lovely talents --she did such a good job! :) hehe. Leslie also made a beautiful diaper cake that was the center of all the food on the table.

I got tons and tons and tons of wonderful gifts!! I could not have asked for anything more! Everyone was so KIND and great to give us wondeful things to start our lil ones life! We got all SORTS of stuff...

Hats that Robin made and matching dresses!

The lovely Glider that the Koch Family gave us!
and much, much more, as you can imagine! THose were just a FEW:) It was a perfect day and a wonderful shower and I could not have asked for anything more! Thank you to everyone who came and showered us with presents for our new little babies to arrive!!!

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