Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


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Today we celebrated my grandfathers birthday! He LOVES LOVES his grandchildren and spends every momment that he gets a chance too! He usually gets to see them about 2-3 days a week, I think he would make it SEVEN if he could! Myself, the girls, my mom, sister and Keagan took him breakfast this morning and SuRpRiSeD him at his house(this was the first adventure the babies had over to his house) He was sitting on his back screened in porch is his morning slippers, and we came around back and started singing happy birthday, he was grinning ear to ear, It was the happiest I think I have ever seen him! (maybe a little exageration there) but he was super happy. When was the last time you were SUPER happy. I am Super happy every time I wake up in the morning and see those sweet precious smiles on my daughters faces. Can you tell I really like the work SUPER lately? How can I resist its just a Super Fantabulous work, Don't you think? I got the girls all dressed up in their princess outfits for their PAPA, take a look.
Mom made an egg caserole dish and I made a scrumptous fruit salad! It was great! Zoey did not feel so well for the first bit we were there, but after that it was good! I just hate it when my babies don't feel well and they can not tell me what is bothering them! But she seemed better throughout the day! Papa loves his babies...

We then proceeded to the mall at stoney point where I found a bargain on two PINK baseball caps! OH, I  cant wait til the girls can where them. THey are a little big now, but not for long! Mommy dropped the babies off to daddy and went and got a pedicure, oh that just feels great! BUt I was not babyless, I had MR. Keagan take a look...

He was very entertained by my water bottles, car keys and the bubbles that my feet were resting in! Dont you wish we were still entertained by the small things?!?

Then Tonight Lonnie and I had our first family dinner at Ocahrleys! The girls were actually really good, It was nice to get out with us 4! Pumpkin head and Doodle bug are little celeberties, I think this lady that sat next to us would have kept talking to us for the whole dinner if her husband did not make her leave. Right when we got there it was 50 questions! ha but its ok, I got alittle annoyed but Lonnie did not mind, But I dont think he realizes how much I get stopped when I am out with them! Every now and then is fine, but geez can I get my shopping done, or whatever I may be doing! ha Sounds bad, but sometimes I just dont make eye contact so I dont have to stop, bc some people dont just stop and make a comment or two they want to stare and ask 5000 gazillion questions! If I talked to everyone I would get nothing done ever! But dinner was Fab and we will just have to do it again!

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