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A day on the Baby Farm

Its Wednesday, so you know what that means. Baby Farm DAY. It was a rough morning as L and Z were a little cranky. Z was just being Z and hanging out! L and K did not want to take a morning Nap. K ended up having to leave at 1:30 today so he could go to his doctors appt. He has thursh in which he got from Lillianah, who has it, and Its more than likely Z will get it, if she does not already have it. Do you know how hard it is to seperate bottles pcaifiers, toys, burp cloths, blankets, etc. well pretty much near impossible and EVERYTHING I mean Everything goes in their mouth. Today the girls were laying together and Lillianah was sucking on Zoeys hand and then Zoey  puts her hand in her mouth, so I think we might be making a doctors visit to get Z an antibiotic too, otherwise we will be going around in cirlces with this Thursh mess! Any who wanted to share some pictures of today on the Baby Farm.

K and L playing, Z was still asleep

K knocked the play mat over, I think it is his way of telling me he is a 'big boy' now and does not want to lay on the play mat

K Practicing standing!


L and K reading a BOOK


Before our Nap, playing not wanting to go to sleep!

Nap Time! (Yes, they are dressed differently but not really, they have the same colors on the oppisite part of the body!) Dont worry we dont leave the hosue not dressed the same! But these are wicked cute outfits that sandy gave them!!:)

Trying on our Bathsuits to make sure they fit for our FIRST beach trip in a week!

Practicing sitting up, waiting for Daddy to get home From work!!

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