Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


"Imperfection is beauty; madness is genius. And its better to be absolutley rediculous than absolutley boring" - Unkown.

I am Mandy. I am complicated at times. I am daughter, sister, niece, Fiance, best friend, soon to be mommy, cousin and aunt. I am college educated, a recruiter and a coach that lives through my kids. I am sometiems accidental side pony tail with sprouts. I am not tomatoes, potatoes, or onions. I am belching country music in my car on alone rides. Its all about self expression. I am pedicures and flip flops even in winter. I am black and white photos and a picture taker. I love feeling the sea breeze in my hair, sun on my skin. I am the beach and even forgiveness. I like long and lazy sunny days and the feeling of coming back home completley rejuvanated. I am a nick namer and long conversations. I am pink, honest and have brown eyes. I am engaged in love, and loved. I can be romatic in my own outlook. I am bringing two wonderful lifes into this world. I am cheering, dancing and spooning. I am soft hands and soul searching eyes. I used to be happy hour, maybe one day again. I am quotes, purses and monkeys. I am eyeliner, and sunglasses even at night. I am not red sauce. I am LC and c-field. I am thoughtful, imaginative, and creative. Holidays I like to relax with friends and family. I am crafts, sunshine and a tea drinker. I am parfaits, and winter candy apple. I am changing, growing and learning everday. I am me.

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