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OB Check up!

Alrighty so I had my 32 week check up yesterday and my BP was good! YAY! Swelling is still absolutley HORRID! I really never thought that my feet could get this size or even look like this, but Its all for the girls! I used to like my feet, I mean I have a tatoo on my foot because I like them, but not so much right now. They look like hippos, along with my kankles that officaially have two fat roles on them. That little bone we all have on the side of our foot, yes mine just blends in with my legs now. Anyways ok, enough about me rambaling on about my feet! This is my first official week of not working at the gym and cutting back to 4 days a week a my full time job. I miss my lil cheerleaders already! I went in yesterday and Dr. Royal's first thing said to me was that I am measuring at full term!! So my body "thinks" I am ready to deliver even though I am only 32 weeks. SO she did a little test Fiber Nectine(its a predictor of about two weeks to see if I will go into labor in the next two weeks, luckily that came back negative. She checked my cervix and its closed but starting to be a little short, its 2.8 anything below 2.5 is BED rest! The two go hand in hand together so the chances of m going into labor in the next 2 weeks is at 2%. At first she was going to put me on Bed rest but then she decided since I have cut back some this week she was going to see how I was doing next week and then decide, so YAY I can still work some! I go back to see her next THursday. I never get ultra sounds at my OB usually just the high risk doc, but yesterday they did since they had to measure my cervix anywho they took the cutest picture, side by side of my lil ones!
Dont you just love it, I do! Lillianah is on the left and Zoey Grace is on the right!


Tessa said...

Precious! I love them already.

Meghan said...

awww... can they tell if they are both head down? whats the status on that?? soo cute though :)