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Perinatal Check up 28 weeks!

So we went to the perinatal doctor today for our 28 week check up! The girls are growing wonderfully and are close in size which is a great thing! Everything looked good except zoey has a little more fluid than normal around her, so they want to see me back in two weeks just to check to see if it has gone down to where it needs to be. Extra fluid can come from a number of things, not exactly sure where mine is coming from! But lets hope when we go back in 2 weeks the fluid will be back to normal and where it needs to be! Pray for TWO healthy babies!!! Alright so I know everyone wants to know and see these lil precious gems here they are....
Lillianah Rae weighs 2 pounds and 5oz.
Lillianah - 28 weeks!

Zoey Grace weighs 2 pounds 7 oz!
Zoey - 28 WEEKS!
Debbie got to come with us for the first time today so I think she was very happy to get to see her frist grand daughters on the screen!! It was a good visit overall and we will be going to visit my OB doctor on Wednesday for me to get checked out and measured!!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

wow that is so awesome that you can see them like that! Thats amazing!! they look precious!!